Modern Contemporary artwork trends to watch at MBF-Lifestyle
Claude Edwin Theriault launches a new MBF lifestyle blog on a censor-free platform; so as to showcase his extensive 40 years plus a collection of artworks.
So if you’re looking for eclectic and innovative print-on-demand wall art with a modern contemporary edge, then check out MBF-Lifestyle. This new censor-free website offers artwork from the creative hand of Claude Edwin Theriault, putting you well ahead of the latest artwork trends, with visual narrative designs that make sense in a Windigo-infested mainstream media world that no longer makes sense.
The modern contemporary artwork trends author page in itself is a game changer with the visual narrative
Offering print on metal art and print on coffee mugs, are the only two product options since more of them turn into a Disney store, and designs of Claude are not really from the Disney store mindset.
Watch Print on demand gallery walkthrough tour on Pixel below;
The tell-all Atlantic Canadian modern artist culture 6-minute read will open your eyes to the Clics and Clans who run the Heritage Patrimonial show.
MBF-Lifestyle does not have something for everyone; we only produce wall art for Liberal forward-thinking uninhibited types.
The designs are inspired by esoteric shamanic gnostic philosophies that the mainstream finds not to their liking since we are programmed to hate
what we do not understand, and the intellectual out there designs MBF-Lifestyles require thought to appreciate them.
Claude Edwin Theriault has made an impressive contribution to art with his online gallery. Featuring a diverse range of work from 1980 – 2020, including Nova Scotia folk painting-inspired art and modern Symbolist paintings. Claude has created an extensive body of work that goes ‘beyond the canvas’. His current focus on Male Nudes to represent Terre des Hommes placed with sacred designs create ethereal concepts and offers something unique that mainstream Wayfair and Shopify home décor ideas cannot provide – perfect for those looking for something truly extraordinary.
As well as being available in print form on many sites such as MBF-Lifestyle, Claude’s works also include digital design crypto logos and can be purchased on Print on Demand (POD) products ranging from metal to coffee mugs – showing how far he is willing to go to make sure his artwork is accessible to everyone in any way they wish.

Here at MBF-Lifestyle, we recognize the importance of weaving together Nova Scotian French Acadian Culture Values into a modern Tartan contemporary fabric through NFT contemporary art. Our project is designed to bring an entirely unprecedented and immersive visual experience to our audience; one that requires them to take a deep breath in and brace for impact. With the help of renowned artist Claude Edwin Theriault, this project seeks to give our viewers an emotional connection to the Cryptovoxels art world they haven’t experienced before. Additionally, our goal is to create digital assets that are living and breathing organisms in the blockchain platform, just like real-world assets that can evolve over time. Combined with Tony Robbins’ dynamic tone of voice for inspiring confidence, this new NFT design experience promises to be unlike anything you’ve seen before.
And for those who find the ETH price tag for an NFT design a bit much, there is the print on metal Rive Gauche version; so everyone can have a piece of the artwork provenance pie.

Extensive oil on canvas collection at artmajeur who has a superb craftsmanship reproductions reputation
Symbolist artist Claude Edwin Theriault draws inspiration from a variety of sources, including the animal totemic imagery of Shamanic Tonal and Nahual 3D NFT motion graphics and 2D print on metal artworks. With sacred symbolism to represent another world running parallel to this one throughout time, these pieces speak to the idea of a separate spirit world that is deeply connected with ours. These digital 3D artworks and prints on demand from MBF-Lifestyle draw together various spiritual forces from various circles of influence. Through these works, Theriault invites us to explore our own connection with these worlds in a way that encourages exploration and soul searching.
Subscribe to the Claude Edwin Theriault Youtube channel to be kept in the loop when a walkthrough video drops.
For NFT Collectors seeking something with real allure and therapeutic beauty, look no further than Claude Edwin Theriault and his 3D Motion Graphics created for MBF-Lifestyle. From ancient Egypt to Cartier, these beautiful creations act as a visual amulet that serves as your totemic identity and power in your metaverse.
Believing that people have had a connection to Archetypal imagery; etched into their collective conscious and subconscious for millennia, these prints on demand offer an unparalleled quality that’s bound to create an impact in any art or NFT collection. Combined with the timeless Tony Robbins style of voice, Claude Edwin Theriault prints will bring not only a classic aesthetic but also a new source of power, whenever & whatever you may need it for!
Explore Artpal Print on demand versions of his extensive works on paper
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The very nature and definition of contemporary art mean to show a visual narrative that reflects the mood and collective consciousness of society today, hence the need for it to be truly reflective of that. The creative hand of Claude Edwin Theriault is truly on this, with NFTeditions of The One instead of the many 10,000 and one computer generated first way of crypto art. Now seeing a shift to more aesthetic utility value providing design people and relate to since it gives them something they can feel.
Visit our Facebook Print on Demand page before it gets taken down for being just a bit too Queer.

Visit our Instagram feed of artworks beyond mainstream
Press release MBF-Lifestyle Contemporary artist RSS feed for eyeopening reveal on an artwork Industry in flux,.
Take a deep breath brace for visual impact and go explore the multiplatform collections today; so you can take your print collecting to the next level with this exciting new print-on-demand wall art platform on Fine Art America.