Life Is An ‘Art is all about love, life and that red, pointed, double-bumped symbol we use to designate our heart!
This exhibit of acrylic paintings describes the heart in its many forms, its agony and its ecstasy.
As a lifelong artist, I use symbols to describe my culture, my life experience and the art of life… because life is surely an art. As I age I’m starting to see love and life in different ways.
Included in the show are melting hearts, falling hearts, soft hearts, hard hearts, and a few naughty hearts.
Feb 1-25th
At ARTsPlace in Annapolis Royal.
Gallery Hours: Tue-Fri 10 am-12 pm & 1 pm-4 pm, Sat 11 am-2 pm
A reception will be held on February 25th 12-2pm You are welcome to attend and meet the artist, K PhillipsCurran
Karen Phillips Curran is a mature artist living in Bear River Nova Scotia.
A lifetime of creative output has honed her skill with a brush and a heart full of the joy of creation makes her well worth the visit.

paintings by K PhillipsCurran