Disrupt, a television show on AMI, showcases content from creators across Canada who identify with a disability. Work on a third season has started and we are reaching out to see who is interested in sharing their work on the show. Check out this link to previous episodes to see the look of the show: https://www.ami.ca/Disrupt/episodes
AMI pays $500 minute up to $1500 and we are not able to accommodate anything over 5 minutes.
If you are selected for the show, you must own all the content (including music) in your video, and AMI will license your work, they don’t claim any ownership over the work. In addition, the producers may cut the piece to meet five minutes. And please note, we cannot include your film’s credits.
If you would like to be considered, please respond with a link to your piece by October 31, 2023 to matheson.lynn@gmail.com.